
Whether you want San Francisco Bay Area Hypnotherapy to help you with anxiety and stress, phobias and fears, weight loss and addictive behaviors, or dysfunctional relationships, read Kay’s dozens of testimonials. Her satisfied clients speak for themselves and may strike a chord for you.

Satisfied Clients Speak for Themselves:

“I highly recommend Kay and her practice.”
“I am thrilled with the progress I am making in such a short timeframe with Kay’s hypnotherapy sessions. She personalizes the practice for your unique concerns. I highly recommend her.”
– RK, San Francisco, CA, Five-Star Yelp Review – Results may vary from person to person

“Heartful thank you, Kay.”
I’ve really enjoyed our time together, exploring, and creating my EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)/meditation practices. The calm it provides is GOLD to me.” 💫
– LK, East Bay CA – Results may vary from person to person

“Kay has transformed my life!”
“She truly has a gift in helping people overcome adversity and hardships. I have a new lease on life thanks to Kay. I can’t recommend her or her services enough!”
– Alexandra P., Western Malibu, CA, Five-Star Yelp Review – Results may vary from person to person

“Still smoke-free after two years.”
“Kay, I wanted to let you know that I am still smoke-free. It’s coming up on two years without. I turned 75 a couple of weeks ago and appear to be healthy. Doctor takes an image of my lungs once a year to look for anything disturbing. Fortunately, all is well. Thank you again for help in getting me to quit smoking.”
– A Happy Healthy Marin County Client – Results may vary from person to person

“Kay’s treatments saved me from the worst crisis I ever had.”
“They are the best thing that ever happened to me! I’ve been to many therapists, but none have helped me even a small fraction of how much Kay has, thank goodness I found her here on Yelp!

“When I found Kay a couple months ago, my severe insomnia and anxiety disorder was so bad it was almost impossible for me to sleep. I was so stressed and tense that I felt like I couldn’t breathe or sit still let alone lie down let alone rest. My life felt unbearable.

“I had just lost my girlfriend and my dad. Not sleeping had become so unbearable that I was not sleeping out of fear of not sleeping. I was a broken down nervous wreck.

“Now that seems like another life, I have no difficulty sleeping now! As Kay’s treatment has enabled me to work on my deep underlying issues, she’s crafted innovative new treatments that are working to resolve them!

“In just two months I’ve gone from having by far my worst mental health crisis, to having grown more healthy than I’ve ever been. I wish I’d never had this challenge, but because I have, I’m far better off than I would’ve been without it, all thanks to Kay!

“I also appreciate Kay’s calm and true compassion. Do yourself a favor and choose to be treated by Kay Heatherly.

“Shaking my head about her few reviews that weren’t positive. I guess no matter what, someone will find it isn’t right for them, even when almost everyone else highly recommends it.”
– C.S., Berkeley, CA – Five-Star Yelp Review – Results may vary from person to person

“Kay is so thoughtful, professional, and detail oriented. She helped me work through some deep and difficult issues with depression and anxiety. I highly recommend her!”
C.S., Berkeley, Five-Star Yelp Review – Results may vary from person to person

“Hi Kay,
Thank you for such a greet session last night! I will enjoy this springtime recording to turn the tide on this outdated habit! It is time! Thanks again,
M.M., Sacramento ❤️ – Results may vary from person to person

“Thank you, Kay. Feeling so helpful and encouraged by this work.”
C.T., San Francisco – Results may vary from person to person

We Had Just 3 Sessions and I’m Already Seeing The Results.
“It was great working with Kay. I felt like we connected right away and she has a good sense of humor. She really listened to what I wanted to work on, and we started in a guided meditation that she emailed (an .mp3 audio file) afterwards. We had just 3 sessions and I’m already seeing the results. I definitely recommend Kay, and I’m sure I’ll be seeing her in the future to work on other issues.”
– Sara B., San Diego, Five-Star Yelp Review – Results may vary from person to person

Kay Transformed My Life In Just One Session
“Kay is truly phenomenal. She transformed my life in just one session, and continued to have a huge impact on me every time we met. I first found Kay because I was looking for someone to help me with a deep fear of public speaking. Within just one session, I found myself able to get up in front of large audiences (200+ people) without the crippling fear I felt just a week prior. We continued to meet regularly over the next several months and I worked on my insomnia, anxiety, etc. With each session, Kay was able to help me uncover things I was holding onto that I didn’t realize were holding me back from being in my power and loving myself fully. She has an incredible way of helping you see yourself deeply, and she holds you accountable for the language you use and the thoughts you tell yourself. I was a little skeptical about hypnotherapy but I am a full believer and will continue to work with Kay for many years to come. Cannot recommend her highly enough.”
– Alex C., San Francisco, Five-Star Yelp Review – Results may vary from person to person

I Feel Comfortable Sharing My Most Personal Experiences With Her
I have nothing but praises for Kay, she helps me work through my issues and most of all, I feel comfortable sharing my most personal experiences with her. She is down to earth where she can relate to me and after each session I walk away feeling relaxed and ready to take on the world.
– Dena N., San Francisco, 5-Star Yelp Review – Results may vary from person to person

Looking Back on Years of Working Together, The Layers of Therapy All Contributed to Curing My Fear of Flying.
“I’ve been working with Kay for about ten years now, and she has helped me with many things. A measurable change in me was fear of flying. I was able to say it was reduced by about 80% after sessions with Kay. Then it increased into the 90th percentile when I kept remembering the things Kay encouraged me to think when I was on a plane.

“I always expect great help from Kay, but I never expected to be rid of a bad habit that has been stressful for most of my life. It was something I never told anyone until I finally told Kay. Now after a couple of months of working on this habit with Kay, I can actually say that it’s about 98% gone. That is measurable. Obsessional habits can be so engrained that sometimes it seems as if they will be haunting one until the end. I really had no hope of ever being rid of it, but I am rid of it. It wasn’t like a sudden miracle, but a process. I noticed gradual improvement and it kept rolling until I had reached a stage of actually being cured. It takes trust and Kay is someone I trust implicitly not to judge me in any way.

“Looking back on our years of working together, I can see how the layers of therapy all contributed to this cure. I see a bright pathway ahead, with more veils of difficulty dissolving.”
– Joan S., San Francisco, 5-Star Yelp Review – Results may vary from person to person

Healer and Guide.
“Even though we live as far across the country as  possible, and must work together virtually, Kay has proven to be one of the most effective and compassionate healers I’ve ever experienced. The guided meditation and Emotional Freedom Techniques are as powerful and life-changing as they are simple. Kay has played a pivotal role in my ability to let go of baggage I’d been dragging around for most of my life. She has enabled me to reset patterns that no longer serve and to rid myself of so much negativity. I highly recommend her to anyone who wants to be more of their better self, their true self. Kay can help you get reacquainted with your “better angels.” They’re fun, those angels — you’ll be glad you did it.”
– Anne M., Florida, 5-Star Yelp Review – Results may vary from person to person
She’s an impactful hypnotherapist and an incredibly genuine human being.
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended
“This is the first time I’ve worked with a Hypnotherapist and have found Kay’s guidance to be extremely effective. She has been helping me strike a fine balance between home and work and has brought great care, empathy and focus during each session. Her partnership over the last year has been especially valuable in helping me navigate through the pandemic. I highly recommend Kay –– she’s an impactful hypnotherapist and an incredibly genuine human being. She has a way of always making me feel ‘seen’ and ‘heard’!” – Amybelle C., San Francisco, 5-Star Yelp Review – Results may vary from person to personShe’s a kind and talented hypnotherapist.
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended
“I was looking for therapist online and I found Kay through Yelp. I’m glad I did. She’s a kind and talented hypnotist. Our sessions started during the pandemic so we have been using FaceTime. It’s convenient and effective. She recorded and send email follow up after each session which helps a lot because I can always go back and listen to our reminders. I would highly recommend Kay to anyone who is struggling and finding guidance.” – Liz D., San Francisco, 5-Star Yelp Review – Results may vary from person to personKay gave me the tools I needed to quit smoking.
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended
“Five plus stars and beyond! Kay gave me the tools I needed to quit smoking cigarettes. It has been 5 months since our last session and I can’t thank and recommend her enough. Our sessions involved positive growth in many other areas which I believe all go hand in hand. Kay is an expert in her field. She is warm, trustworthy and precise. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with her and hope to schedule another session in the future. Thank you so much Kay!” – S.W., San Francisco – Results may vary from person to personThere no difference in-person vs. virtual on FaceTime and it’s much more convenient.
“I have loved my 3 sessions with Kay. She really helped turn my life around, and brought more positive energy into my life, for much better outcomes. I can’t thank her enough.“One of those sessions was a few weeks ago and we did it virtually on FaceTime. We had a deep dive into our session and there is no difference in-person vs. virtual and it’s much more convenient. You don’t need to drive to the session. It is fabulous to be able to have a session anytime that Kay is available and in the comfort of my home. I actually love this new way of therapy. Hurray, at least one thing works well in these challenging times.” – Best to you, Ashley – Results may vary from person to personAfter my first appointment I LITERALLY felt a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. She has truly changed my life.
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended

“I first found Kay when I was researching past life regression and, after reading her other reviews, immediately booked an appointment for past life regression and another for hypnotherapy. My first appointment was in October of 2019 and I’ve seen her over 10 times since then, mainly for hypnotherapy.“After my first appointment with Kay I literally… LITERALLY… felt a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. I was more joyful and happy than I had been since childhood and that pure joy has stayed with me since. Currently I see her about twice a month and each time I step out of her office I feel like a new person. She has truly changed my life.“We’ve worked on various areas (stress, anxiety, relationships, work, health, everything) and because of this work we’ve been doing I actually feel like I’m excelling in all areas of my life – for the first time ever. I can’t thank Kay enough for all of the amazing-ness she’s helped me manifest. Highly, highly recommend!” – Madi J., San Francisco – Results may vary from person to personI am still grieving my father but feel happy deep inside.
“One visit and I was happier. It had been awhile since I felt the burden of sadness lifted from grieving my father every day. Two different people told me I was ‘glowing’. Said my ‘smile was bigger’. We had agreed to meet up again and it went well also. I accomplished goals that week and felt amazing about it. I had a fun week. I continued to listen to the recordings that Kay provided of our sessions and we had a third visit which was also positive encouragement for my life. Kay also has helped me realize that I can let go of anything that is not happening now and accomplish goals sooner. I am still grieving my father but feel happy deep inside.” – Teresa T., San Francisco – Results may vary from person to personKay has a special gift –– I’ve actually purchase her services for relatives.
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended
“I first went to see Kay 10 years ago and it really helped me through a bad breakup, along with some other issues. I was able to let go of that which wasn’t serving me.“Recently I re-connected with Kay and was having trouble dealing with the loss of my sister. Again I was holding some things and Kay helped me open up and let go of ill feelings and emotions. I’d strongly recommend her. I’ve actually purchased her services for relatives and they have also agreed that she has a special gift. I’m sincerely thankful that I came across her work and had the privilege to work with her again.” – Hal M., San Mateo – Results may vary from person to person

Absolutely life changing.
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended
“Absolutely fantastic. In the first week, Kay helped me to understand and let go of things I’d been fighting with for 20 years. Absolutely life changing, and she’s a wonderful person to spend time with. Worth every penny and much more, I’ve recommended her to several of my close friends / family already, and I highly recommend you give it a try!” – G.N., College Station, TX – Results may vary from person to person

I’ve seen Kay about 10 times and tackled various issues.
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended
“My first appointment with Kay was in November of 2012. I’ve seen her about 10 times since then and tackled various issues. I originally saw her to overcome a fear of flying that was interfering with my ability to travel. I used her guided meditation recording many times – before and during flights – and found it to be the most effective and healthy way of addressing my fear. More recently, I have struggled with middle of the night insomnia. Kay and I did two sessions to discuss and let go of the things that were interfering with my sleep. Any time that I experience insomnia, I listen to the recordings, and it has made a big difference in my sleep. Kay is a warm and compassionate provider. I always look forward to our sessions and feeling light and free after.” – A.P., SF – Results may vary from person to person

Kay is professional, friendly and warm.
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended
“I enjoy her therapy a lot. It helps me reduce my anxieties and my sleep got a lot better. She guided me to create my own hypnotic mp3. It’s really wonderful. I would like to recommend her to anybody who needs to help.” – J.H., SF – Results may vary from person to person.

Kay’s techniques have been pivotal in my healing.
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended
“I’ve seen Kay twice so far and I have to say that the combination of hypnotherapy / guided meditation and Emotional Freedom Technique has been pivotal in my healing. I’ve been experiencing bouts of anxiety, and thoughts and emotions that have been challenging to feel and move through.

“Kay is an active and compassionate listener and she’s able to guide me into feeling more at ease and in my body and she’s helping me to rewrite mental patterns that are not serving me anymore. Each week she records the guided meditation sequence as well as the EFT sequence and I’ve been listening to the recordings daily, which has made a big impact on my day to day life.

“Since seeing Kay I’ve been feeling a lot more at peace, in my center, and confident that I have more tools now to rewrite old mental and emotional patterns. Thank you so much Kay for the work that you do.” –– S.S., San Francisco – Results may vary from person to person.

My work with Kay has been transformational.
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended
“I started seeing Kay about 4 weeks ago, and I have to say that my work with her has been transformational.  I chose Kay Heatherly above other hypnotherapists in the Bay Area because she works with neuroplasticity, and I wanted to change my brain patterns when it comes to handling stress.

“I remember being pleasantly surprised with the techniques of EFT and guided meditation.  I think there was a part of me expecting hypnosis to be like in the movies… looking at a moving clock and being put to sleep to the point of being forced to cluck like a chicken without control! But I really appreciated that she led me through the two modalities instead: a tapping technique that helps with the letting go portion and then a guided visualization into the theta brainwaves where Kay guides my brain to release unhealthy patterns and to come back to neutrality and healing.

“I remember coming out of the first session feeling hopeful –– it’s been 5 years since my PTSD and I had never felt so hopeful about my healing.  I passed the three-session requirement this week and have decided to continue working with Kay because it is so life-changing for me.  I came in with over 20 stressors to release, from the superficial as ‘letting go of stress eating’ to the deepest of my fears such as ‘letting go of fear of loved ones dying’.

“After only 4 weeks, I have to say that I have let go of 95% of my issues.  95%!! I am amazed by how fast this modality has worked for me, and I am so appreciative of Kay’s guidance in giving me such a useful tool. So much in fact that I’ve told all my friends about Kay and they’re considering seeing her too. If you’re willing to do the work that will help you change your brain patterns, then you should definitely consider seeing Kay!” – P.B., San Francisco –– Results may vary from person to person.

I feel so fortunate to have found Kay several years ago.
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended
“After several years, I’m posting another review about Kay Heatherly who is still my therapist.  Here are some of the aspects of my experience that I appreciate:

“1) Easy start to every session – I always find this relaxing and an opening to more important discussion. Speaking just for myself, I cannot normally launch into important topics without first settling down and connecting with the therapist. So I like this approach.

“2)  Kay has a phenomenal memory and great empathy about my life experiences.  I need that background understanding of hers to proceed with meaningful discussion.

“3)  The hypnosis is a kind of meditation. Do not expect to be rendered in some way unconscious and have your problems automatically adjusted – it all depends on how much you concentrate and what you yourself choose to get out of it as an active, not passive participant.

“4)  After years with Kay, I have been able to overcome many fears. My goal is to enjoy old age (I’m 79) both acknowledging and understanding the difficulties I’ve experienced in life, while at the same time looking forward with hope, creativity, and optimism. I’m in the process of achieving this with Kay and I feel so fortunate to have found her.” – J.S., San Francisco –– Results may vary from person to person.

Hypnotherapy with Kay is the most effective form of personal therapy.
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended

“I had worked with Kay several years ago and achieved positive results through her professional skill and varied techniques using the theory of Neuroplasticity –– knowing that the brain can change. Now, I have new personal challenges and have opted to schedule Kay’s assistance once again; I look forward to meeting with Kay in her comfortable and pleasant office. I expect her to follow her ritual and offer me a cup of tea and then reestablish rapport by asking questions which she uses in formulating the session goals.

“In the session, several techniques are employed. One of these is the Emotional Freedom Technique –– EFT which helps close down negative pathways in the brain. Then Kay, who listens carefully, takes notes and then uses the information to create the guided meditation to open up positive new pathways in the brain in order to develop tools to make positive changes.

“In the guided meditation, the hypnotherapy part of the session, the subject drifts into an altered state like being absorbed in a good book where he/she is receptive to positive suggestions. The client is then emailed the audio file of the session to listen to in the comfort of home. I have found that hypnotherapy is considered to be the most effective form of personal therapy and my own experiences with Kay confirm this.”
– Anne M., San Francisco, Results may vary from person to person.

Glad my search for “San Francisco hypnotherapist” got me to her office.
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended
“Kay is such a talented practitioner and a wonderful person. She helped me get a handle on stress and anxiety. She helped me pass a big exam and worth through feelings of grief and loss. Glad my search for a hypnotherapist got me to her office.” – Regan C., San Mateo — Results may vary from person to person.

I didn’t go into this expecting miracles… but I gave Kay five stars for a reason.
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended
“Kay is a healer! At the beginning of the session, she asks you to create a template of what you want to see changed in your life and then she puts you under hypnosis. This is you (the client) laying a foundation for your desired outcome. There’s no magic here. Kay doesn’t wave a wand or say abracadabra and then you’re transformed. She gives you the tools and the template, but you have to continue to do the work of listening to her mp3 of the session and employing the technique. I didn’t go into this expecting miracles and I didn’t come out of my three sessions with a miraculous experience. But I gave her five stars for a reason.” – Sean S., San Francisco –– Results may vary from person to person.

I noted in many of Kay’s Yelp reviews she helped with loss and grief.
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended
“I saw Kay after the tragic loss of a friend. I noted in many of her Yelp reviews she had helped folks working around the topic of loss and grief, so I thought I would see her. I found Kay to be extremely helpful. The work that we did together was beneficial. Not only did I feel better in a short period of time, I have some new tools in my personal toolkit that I can use going forward. Recommended.” – Jaymie M., New York, NY –– Results may vary from person to person.

I’ve grown so much from working with Kay.
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended
“I am deeply grateful to Kay. I’ve worked with her consistently since 2015 around self-worthy, setting boundaries, the emotional effects of PTSD, and the impostor syndrome, grief, and loss. I’ve grown so much from working with her and I’ve committed to re-working the negative self talk that has been present most of my life. Thank you to Kay.” – Lauren G., San Francisco – Results may vary from person to person.

I can honestly say Kay is a miracle worker.
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended
“Ms. Heatherly is one of a kind. She does exceptional work. She has been able to help me work through some difficult issues I have been struggling with. I can honestly say she is a miracle worker. After working with her, I feel light and confident that now I can face the world and conquer anything. If you are seeking someone that will help you heal, Ms. Heatherly is your lady.” – M.S., Burlingame – Results may vary from person to person.

I felt more centered, optimistic and confident. Thank you Kay!
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended
“Kay’s use of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and guided imagery were highly effective to me. She is a very skilled and compassionate professional. Every time I left my sessions with Kay I felt more centered, optimistic and confident. I highly recommend her work. Thank you Kay!” – Nelida L., San Francisco – Results may vary from person to person.

Thank you so much! I enjoy working with you.
“Your guidance, support, and tools are very much appreciated.” – Sal, SF – Results may vary from person to person.

Kay brought out issues that I thought were forgotten.
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended
“Kay is a compassionate and caring therapist. She listened and asked questions that brought out issues that I thought were forgotten (by me).  We worked on both them and the issues I came to her for. I highly recommend her.” – Susan W., Sunnyvale – Results may vary from person to person.

Fear of flying… specifically turbulence.
“Thanks Kay! Trip to New Zealand was amazing. Flights were fine — I used my recording a lot whenever I got jumpy. Helped put me to sleep 🙂 – Transplanted East Coaster – Results may vary from person to person.

Kay has an incredible ability to listen and guide you to achieve your goals.
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended
“I had the opportunity to work with Kay, a couple years ago. I initially came to quit smoking as I was having a hard time doing it myself. I ended up discovering a whole new approach to personal growth. Our work allowed me to shed some very heavy limiting beliefs and heal deep wounds that were in the way of me thriving, taking responsibility in my life and honoring who I was truly. Kay has an incredible ability to listen and will guide you to achieve your goals. Thank you Kay! – Emeline L, San Francisco – Results may vary from person to person.

Kay was amazing and life changing. She did appointments for me and my mom.
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended
“My mom told her that she didn’t think we could afford the two of us to do it so Kay was so generous and made us a deal. That deal changed my life forever. I finally live a happy, healthy life full of bliss. Thank you Kay so much for all you do! Thank you for being so passionate about your work! You are changing lives for the better!” – Jackie F., San Francisco – Results may vary from person to person.

I was at rock bottom when I first met you. Now I can truly live a life full of love and gratitude.
“I was just listening to one of our tapes this afternoon as I was overcome with a strong sense of gratitude for you and your amazing work! I just want to thank you so much for helping me heal. I was at rock bottom when I first met you. I was at a point where I was so lost, hopeless, and scared. Through your tapes and our friendship I slowly and surely overcame the negative thoughts from mind and now can truly live a life full of love and gratitude with myself and others! You truly are an earth angel and I’m so blessed to have met you! Thank you again for your wonderful work and soul! Much love and appreciated!” Love, J.F., San Francisco – Results may vary from person to person.

I wanted to stop drinking beverages with aspartame, especially Diet Coke.
My objective was simple but very direct. I wanted to stop drinking beverages with aspartame, especially Diet Coke. It was truly like magic and I feel so much better. Kay is very professional with a warmth that exudes kindness and a non-judgmental approach. – Catherine M., San Francisco – Results may vary from person to person.

The feelings of anxiety and panic have receded BIG TIME.
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended
Kay is AMAZING! I was feeling really down about myself and it was creating all sorts of anxiety for me including being PANICKED every time I had to present at work, even though presentations and public speaking has always been a part of my role. She worked with me to realign my self-image and the feelings of anxiety and panic have receded BIG TIME. I can’t recommend Kay highly enough to anyone who wants to get control back over any part of their life. – Judy B., Tiburon – Results may vary from person to person.

I am more than satisfied with my improvement for work-related anxiety.
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended
I suffered with work-related anxiety that was significantly impairing my life. I followed through with the sessions and saw a significant improvement after just one visit. I like how she structures each session and was able to tune into things that I hadn’t realized. It helped improve my work-related anxiety and I am better able to cope with stressful situations. We worked on both specific triggers and overall energy. I am more than satisfied with my improvement. Like others I was also skeptical but am so happy I took a chance. I highly recommend Kay Heatherly! I know I will be going back to work on other things! – Ruby B., Redwood City – Results may vary from person to person.

Kay’s support has made it possible for me to make my life better.
Kay is a wonderfully warm, skillful and empowering hypnotherapist. I initially went to her in order to lose weight, but over 4 sessions, I have been able to improve several other areas of my life. My sessions with Kay have helped me to be more aware of how I can change things that aren’t working. Making changes can be challenging, but Kay’s support has made it possible for me to make my life better. I especially appreciate that she gives teachers a discount! If you wish to improve areas of your life, I highly recommend you work with Kay Heatherly. – C.D., Daly City – Results may vary from person to person.

Three sessions later, I’m smoke- free and stress-free.
Kay is great at what she does. After my first session, I was already seeing a difference in my everyday life. Three sessions later, I’m smoke- free and stress-free. Thank you, Kay!!! – J.G. – Results may vary from person to person.

After just one session, I have already seen an improvement.
“I have been listening to the recording and feel more at peace, have been more productive, and my spirit overall has been improved a great deal. I feel a lot lighter after I listen to the recording each day. I know it is still early, but it’s very encouraging to see an improvement after just one single session. I want you to know how appreciative I am for your help! I look forward to our next appointment!” – KF, SF – Results may vary from person to person.

Kay really helped with my anxiety and phobia issues.
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended
Kay is absolutely fantastic. She was really able to help me with my anxiety and phobia issues and I really recommend her to anybody out there of all walks of life. She’s very caring, loving and really tries her best to help people with all kinds of issues and problems in everyday life. Thanks again for all your help, Kay 🙂 – Ivan, South San Francisco, CA – Results may vary from person to person.

Kay has literally saved my life in a number of weeks.
5-Star Rating: Highly Recommended
Kay has literally saved my life in a number of weeks. When I met Kay I was deep in the thralls of an illness, that I still have with terrible life threatening side effects. My way of dealing with the stress of this reality was by drinking and eating unhealthy substances that make my illness worse. For years I have struggled with this addiction and anxiety and after just a few weeks with Kay I feel as if I AM IN CONTROL of it and not the other way around.

“My sister just asked me on a family vacation, if she feels that my doctor (meaning Kay) has been the reason for my positive transformation and the answer was a grounded YES. This is not your average hypnosis, we have a light therapy session and then Kay forms the hypnosis and tapping to my current state. This is something that you have to be open to working WITH Kay on. I have to do my part, but Kay has given me the strength to change deeply from within instead of masking my issues in unhealthy ways. I will continue to do the work, but feel as if I will forever be in great debt to Kay. She is truly something special.” – Genevieve H., Hollywood, CA – Results may vary from person to person.