What Can I Expect?

relaxing scene of bird on waterAs you saw on the First Visit page, during your first session with hypnotherapy expert Kay Heatherly, you’ll establish your goals, such as dealing with anxiety, losing weight, overcoming specific fears, insomnia, fears of public speaking, fear of flying, and fear/anxiety about taking important tests such as the SAT, ACT, or The Bar Exam. After working with Kay for three sessions, you’ll evaluate your progress. At that point, you may feel complete or wish to go further. Often, the changes you want to make can happen within three sessions!

Kay accepts Zelle, PayPal, credit and debit cards (which includes online fees). You can pay each session.

As a long-time hypnotherapy professional, Kay can, in each session, create a personalized mp3 audio file that she can send as an email attachment to support your subconscious mind in going deeper. Best of all, the more you use the mp3, the quicker you can change the habits that you’re intending to change.

The mp3 audio recording will typically include both the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and a guided visualization with the aim of:

  • Reducing stress and anxiety in your life
  • Releasing old habits such as overeating, addiction to social media, and smoking
  • Overcoming fears of public speaking, flying, heights, making cold calls, driving over bridges and highways
  • Reducing test-taking anxiety in order to pass important exams
  • Letting go of old, toxic relationships in order to move on with your life
  • Letting go of workplace anxiety and pressures
  • Enabling better sleep patterns and habits
  • Preparing for surgical procedures and post-operative recovery
  • Enhancing self-esteem to improve personal and professional relationships
  • Improving and enhancing sports performance

To find out how it works with a highly qualified hypnotherapy expert who may be able to help you stop smoking and quit other bad habits with the help of a personalized audio recording/mp3, contact Kay today.