Anxieties. Addictions. Fears. Negative Habits…
Breaking habits can be a challenge, especially if you’ve done something for years such as cigarette smoking or overeating. In fact, it’s been proven that it usually takes at least 21 days to break a habit.
Fortunately, for over two decades, Kay Heatherly has been using the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and hypnotherapy to help some of her clients in breaking habits of all kinds, from stop smoking hypnotherapy to weight loss in San Francisco to various types of addictions.
Specifically, Kay may be able to help you in breaking habits for:
- Cravings for cigarettes or chewing tobacco – to stop or reduce use
- Cravings for certain types of foods – especially sweets
- Addictive behavior and cravings for drugs or alcohol
- Addiction to a negative/toxic relationship
- Obsessive washing of hands or obsessive cleaning
- Nail biting or hair pulling
- Addiction to computer use, including social media, email, Facebook, X, and online games
- Excessive gambling
- Overexercising.
To have Kay help you in breaking a habit, from stop smoking hypnotherapy to weight loss from her office in the San Francisco Bay Area, please contact her today.