When potential clients are dealing with various issues and are looking for someone to help them, they often do an online search and discover that Kay Heatherly is the most experienced Certified S.F. Bay Area Hypnotherapist (since 1988).
Her initial complimentary phone consultation lets clients begin to discuss their individual issues. Because Kay works with an interactive, gradual process, she prefers to start working with her clients over three 90-minute sessions. After that, they evaluate their particular situation, with an option to work further, if needed.
As a certified San Francisco Bay Area Hypnotherapist, one of Kay’s clients said, “Kay is amazing!! With just three sessions, she has helped me to let go of certain underlying emotions that I had and come full circle to see the progress I had made. I know now how to deal with these emotions for the rest of my life and feel really thankful for that.” (Results may vary from person to person)
Kay Heatherly utilizes the theory of Neuroplasticity in her San Francisco office to help clients to close down old brain pathways that no longer work with the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). She also uses Neuroplasticity to open up new neural/brain pathways of healing and positive thinking and behaving with progressive relaxation, hypnotherapy, and guided visualizations.
For each client, Kay also creates personalized hypnotherapy audio recordings (as email attachments), each with the Emotional Freedom Technique and a guided visualization for clients to refer to and work with. They can listen to their personalized recordings in their spare time, just before going to sleep, or anytime they need to support their subconscious mind. Hypnotherapy is providing professional services for avocational or vocational self- improvement of the client, which does not include diagnosing, prescribing for, or treating any physical or mental ailments, nor emotional or mental disorders.
A comparative study courtesy of the American Hypnosis Clinic:
- Hypnotherapy: 93% recovery after 6 sessions
- Behavior Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions
- Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions
Finally, Hypnotherapy has been recognized by the American Medical Association (AMA) since 1958 and the British Medical Association (BMA) as a field of study. It is taught at Harvard Medical School, Yale, and countless other higher learning institutions around the world. In addition, the U.S. Military and U.S. Olympic athletes use Hypnotherapy to enhance their performances.